Things are still going really well here in the Buck house! Mylee gave the doctors a scare which then made me worried. At her 2 week check up she still hadn't gained all her birth weight back. So we had to go in when she was 3 weeks. (I found that annoying...and it was even more annoying once we found out what we did) At the seriously FIVE MINUTE dr appointment, they weighed Mylee and she was 9lbs 3oz. Dr said great see you at her 2 month check up. Gah! I hate spending money and to just throw out ANOTHER $30 just for that...I was annoyed. But oh well. Now we know Mylee is fine. We're still waiting for her 2nd newborn blood screening to come back. The first one came back with an abnormal thyroid result. The normal numbers are 29...Mylee is 31. Why do doctors worry so easily! Not fun for Mom. But I'm learning to not stress what the doctors are saying. Sounds bad but Mylee is healthy and eats when she wants and how much she needs. She's fine.
So Kendal girl has really taken off with imaginary friends. She has a pet "howl" aka owl that she takes everywhere with her. This is a picture of her pushing the owl in the swing.
Kendal also has...not sure what to call them...but she has some certain things she HAS to do and if she doesn't get to do them...a HUGE fit comes. After arriving home and before I can unlock and open our door, she has to knock and ask "anyone home" which I find odd cuz no one is inside. So odd.
After having Kendal, I told myself I would never have anymore children. I had a really hard time because I didn't get much help from Tanner. As new as motherhood was for me...I didn't have to choice to just ignore Kendal. She was my life. Tanner on the other hand, didn't HAVE to do much. Besides working and providing material things, he didn't know what to do with us. Now that we have Mylee, he is doing AMAZING. He offers to take Kendal with him so I can cook dinner or whatever.
As I was cooking dinner the other night, I looked out the window to see this.
Melted my heart! I'm so grateful for Tanner and him stepping up and helping out! He was telling her all about how the engine works and how to change the oil.
For some reason Kendal thought she'd try to fit into my diaper bag...
So I picked her up and spun her around...a lot. I got sick lol
(dumb point and shoot. Red eye...what the heck is that all about? I need my Nikon!!)
She likes to wear Daddy's helmet. Probably should keep that on her 24/7!
I don't know if you can really see..but Mylee sleeps with her eyes opened most the time! So creepy!