Monday, July 27, 2009

My Sweet Daughter....just can't get enough of her!

Kendal and I have been having so much fun together! I love my new camera because I am able to capture such sweet videos of my daughter! Here are a few from today. The first one she is reading her books to me. When we read books together she has to hold the book, turn the page and tell me the story! I absolutely LOVE it!

This video is today during lunch. We had a picnic in the living room and she was dancing to music. She also shows off her sign language she is learning! She is such a fast learner! I'm so glad Tanner and I taught her to sign. It's been such a huge help in knowing what she needs.'s super cute to watch her learn!!

1 comment:

Randi said...

I love how she bounces her body to the music. She is so funny.