Tuesday, December 7, 2010


I really want to blog today. But i'm sooo extremely tired and for some reason dealing with morning sickness. not fun. so here's a short post on what we've been up to.

tanner is working his butt off! he is trying to figure out what he wants to do with a career.
air force
police department
opening up his own mechanic shop
all we know for sure right now, is that we are soo blessed with the jobs he has. we are taking our time to figure out life so that MAYBE we can get caught up a little. But we definitely are counting our blessings.
we went to the zoo about a month ago. we had lots of fun watching miss kendal. running EVERYWHERE to see all the animals! wish it wasn't so dang expensive or we'd go more! we like the wild life world zoo 1,000x's better than phoenix zoo. the animals at wild life are so much closer and lively!

we also have a mini horse on the property we're living on. She's funny. About as tall as Kendal. As she is as fat as she is long. Her name is Bubbles. Kendal likes to go on rides.

that's all for now. i'm tired. forgot how difficult pregnancy is. can't tie my shoes anymore. growing pains SUCK! tired 24/7. Tanner working 24/7 and then add a 2yr old on top. Life is exhausting. But I'll live :)


Rachel said...

I like the wildlife zoo much better too! And the prices are ridiculous! Grr! That little house is so cute! Especially with Kendal going for a ride! Got any good slip on shoes? Pregnancy is hard... but I'm so excited for you! Hang in there!

SSToone said...

That's the only zoo McKelle's been to. I purchased discounted tickets on Groupon for the Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle (had to do one with Lions) but Chris wants to go and we've had no time to make it there, esp. now that it's cold!

I'm sorry to hear you've been feeling so miserable! Sure is interesting how each person experiences things differently!

Having your husband gone is rough, mainly on hard days. Chris is gone from 6am - 4:30 to after 5pm every day and is exhausted after his 1 1/2 hour commute home. I guess that's what we sign up for but doesn't make it easier!