Saturday, October 22, 2011


Wow is all I can say! I'm not a runner. I am a sprinter, well back my day that is. I have never in my life ran more than a mile, until this past Wednesday....2 days before the race. I ran those two miles in 25 minutes so I was expecting to run the 5k in 40 minutes. Honestly. My first mile the other day was a 10 minute mile, the second mile was 15 and so I was guessing I'd be dead by the 3rd. 

Starting from the beginning, both Tanner and I ran this. We slept horrible the night before. I had a cold the day before and wasn't feeling well at all. But we showed up at 7am and got ready to run. Now, this was very special for me. Tanner and I don't have much we do together...without kids. As I'm sure a lot of parent's don't. But it's important to me to have something with Tanner. (We'll see how long this running thing lasts lol!) Anyway, we warmed up and headed over to the starting line. And boy oh boy was my adrenaline pumping like mad crazy. Tanner and I started off together and stayed close for about half the way. I was surprised because his strides are 2x's the length of mine! About the half way point we both kind a needed a break. We walked and about 30 seconds I was like, HECK NO! I'm not walking! So I ditched Tanner, sorry babe. I caught up to a girl who looked like she knew what she was doing pace wise, so I followed her. I had no clue what to do. After a while of following her she stopped to walk so I past and kept going. I did take another break around the 3 mile mark, I think. Another no I'm not stopping moment and then I started running again. 

There was no better feeling than being in site of the finishing line. I started sprinting the last quarter mile and kept that speed til the finish. Man, it felt so stinking good! I will be doing a ton more races just for that feeling! Tanner came in a few minutes behind me, I loved watching him finish. I was cheering and just so happy we could do this together.  

Both Tanner and I took second place in our age groups, females 20-29 and males 20-29. And the most rewarding part...we got medals! Very cool! I had no idea going into this that I would place or get a medal. Just fun to get a physical thing, make sense? 

(dont know why mine looks maybe)

(I always forget how short he makes me look, but in my defense....he is 6'5!) Kendal wanted to join in on the photo :)

October 22, 2011 Final Time 31:13.
Next race November 5, 2011



McKelle said...

Yay Emily that's awesome! You're amazing! Great job! Glad you guys had a good experience. And a medal?! How cool is that?!!! :)

SSToone said...

Way to go! I was a high school track but never distance. Had to do my share of long runs at practice but hated it. Also ran a 5k on a whim (2 days before) without any training freshman year at BYU. If I was as motivated as you I'd try one again! Way to go!

Leslie said...

That is so awesome! I'm very proud of you and Tanner. Just reading your post made we want to run again, it sounded fun. But, I probably won't. Good job for actually doing it!

Christine and Nick said...

Thats awesome! I did my first 5K in august and it felt so good to finish as well! I could never convince Nick to run with me so i run with other girls in our complex. Keep it up! It feels so good to run!

Sandra said...

That is great...way to go! It makes me tired thinking of it...